Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Brief Epistle on Grey's Anatomy and the REAL Sex lives of Residents

Maybe it's because he is in pediatrics, or it is because he is a very simple soul and generally well-behaved, or that we are just tired, parenting marrieds, but Kirk swears there is no sex in call rooms at work.  And really, I've seen pictures of the call rooms - less appealing than a 2 star motel.  So, recently (we have caved and bought a television "for the Olympics," which may also account for my less than stellar writing record)  I happened across Grey's Anatomy.  There is a bizarre amount of hospital sex on that show, because, you know, no one is there to actually do any work and the hospitals are not full of contagious disease, otherwise sick and/or crazy people. 

So, here is a brief schedule of  REAL sex lives of residents (and Kirk will DIE when he reads this, but he is on call and I am feeling chatty - I might be in trouble).
Monday - Brenda's tired and goes to sleep at 8.
Tuesday - Kirk is on call
Wednesday - Brenda is tired and goes to sleep at 8
Thursday - Kirk is on call
Friday - we both fall asleep watching Stephen Colbert
Saturday - Kirk is on call.
Sunday - "wild card"  - i.e. chance we are both asleep by 8.

This baby, in other words, is a product of immaculate conception. 

Now, if some of you out there can counter this with true juicy stories, please do! Maybe there are lots of swinging single residents out there?  How often are normal married people supposed to have sex, anyway?

PS - (sorry, Kim, this may be WAY too much family info!!!!)

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